Is Lifestyle Really The Key To Lower Blood Pressure?

How much does lifestyle really affect our health?

To question the importance of lifestyle to our health seems almost blasphemous in today’s world. The effects of our weight, diet, fitness levels, drinking habits and, increasingly, virtually everything we do are endlessly analyzed. Large groups of people – those who are overweight, for example - have become stigmatized for what they are supposedly doing to themselves.

More specifically in my field of interest, if you’re stuggling with high blood pressure you’ve probably become convinced that your lifestyle is the number one culprit (you degenerate!).

Top of the list of common hypertension dangers are a bad diet and being overweight. That extra 15 pounds and your fondness for rich foods has got to go if you’re ever going to reduce your blood pressure!

Or do they? Shocking new findings from a massive medical review show that obesity may have very little to do with high blood pressure, at least according to the number and amounts of medications prescribed. In fact, the figures indicate that obese people are at no greater risk of any major health problems and this holds true throughout their lives!

You can read the entire story in my recent article: Struggling To Lose Weight For Lower Blood Pressure? Don’t Worry About It!

Other studies have indicated that genetics along with factors such as birth weight play a big role in future blood pressure problems. And there are plenty of people who can attest to the fact that even the healthiest lifestyle is not a guarantee of healthy blood pressure. In other words, not all high blood pressure is lifestyle-related.

Does obesity really cause hypertension?

Stigmatized: Many people believe that even moderately obese people are unhealthy.

So where does this massive anti-fat hysteria and prejudice come from? To be sure, human weaknesses such as the need to feel superior and tell others what to do plays a part. And these tendencies are fed and reinforced by a steady drip-feed of misleading research “findings” promoted by the media… myths in the making.

As always, more research is needed. Lifestyle surely does affect us in countless ways. Nobody could argue that smoking has no effect on our health or that idleness is good for the heart.

But we’ve got it way out of balance! Fretting over every morsel we eat and stressing out about being 5 pounds over our “ideal” weight (whatever that is!) may be doing more damage to our health than our occasional indulgences.

I’m afraid the natural health movement has done more than its share in promoting this ”lifestyle insecurity”. As The Natural Skeptic I say we need to relax and get a grip…

I’d like to give the lead researcher of the obesity and blood pressure study the final word:

Don’t worry if you are overweight. What is all that stress and dieting doing to your body? Probably more damage than the extra 15 pounds.

Slow breathing is a unique lifestyle technique with the ability to reduce blood pressure both predictably and significantly. Click here for details on the BreatheEasy System of slow breathing with music: 100% safe and natural.

author: admin

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