Vegetables: The REAL Green & Natural Solution To High Blood Pressure?

Eat Your Veggies – They’ll Give You Lower Blood Pressure!


Broccoli is a popular vegetable that is also high in a chemical that lowers blood pressure

I’ve been told that vegetables are good for me for so long I’ve got potatos growing out my ears. I know that vegetables offer valuable vitamins and minerals. And I know they also provide fibre and bulk.

But now I know something new: a chemical found in all vegetables has the ability to reduce blood pressure. Apparently, the more of this substance you consume, the lower your blood pressure.

The chemical is called glutamic acid. It’s a flavor-enhancing substance that produces the fifth taste sense known as “savoury”. As a matter of fact, savoury has become the latest taste sensation and is promoted as “umami”. Broccoli and cabbage are especially high in the stuff.

Vegetable protein has long been linked to a healthy heart but now it appears that glutamic acid may have an even greater role.

Does this mean that being vegetarian can prevent high blood pressure?

Not necessarily. Thousands of chemicals and nutrients from numerous food groups contribute to good health. And of course vegetarians are not immune to hypertension. Contrary to the beliefs of some special interests, meats also contain micro-nutrients that are important for a  healthy heart and good blood pressure.

But the  findings do mean that a balanced and varied diet including lots of vegetables is more important than ever.

 However, if you’re one of those who simply cannot tolerate vegetables you’ll be glad to know that other good sources of glutamic acid are beans and whole grains including rice, breads and cereals (whole grain versions) as well as soy products such as tofu and durum wheat, used to make pasta.

author: admin

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