Welcome to The Natural Skeptic!

David O'Hara

The Natural Skeptic

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally… and Scientifically!

Welcome to my natural health blog! News, features, opinions and articles on natural health and blood pressure control with a difference…

My name is David O’Hara. I’m the creator of the BreatheEasy System for lower blood pressure. And I’m the “Natural Health Skeptic”.

Why a skeptic? Especially since I myself promote a totally natural method of blood pressure control and caution against the excessive role of the pharmaceutical industry in health care?

A very good point, but first and foremost I’m a skeptic. I find the gullibility, anti-scientific mumbo-jumbo and even outright charlatanism of much of the natural health movement as disturbing as the manipulations of the drugs and medical industries.

Natural methods need scientific testing…

It’s not enough that some natural method has been practised for thousands of years and has a logical-sounding theory behind it. Many of our health myths in the West have thankfully been exposed but among certain people any ancient practice from the East – the more mysterious, the better – gets instant credibility and slavish promotion.

And it’s not enough that thousands or even millions of people swear by the effectiveness of some remedy. I don’t think there’s any one among us who has not been fooled by the placebo effect.

Health claims must be tested and proved scientifically! I would never have been compelled to try slow breathing (and would never have beaten my high blood pressure) were it not for the method’s impressive results in rigorous, scientific testing.

The Natural Skeptic Difference…

What you’ll find here is the latest news and discussion of natural health topics with a critic’s eye. That means no gullible acceptance and furthering of every misguided theory and trend making the rounds of natural health circles…

And no sales or promotion of expensive supplements and other products of uncertain value to your health. I make full disclosure: I produce and market the BreatheEasy System. That’s all I do of a commercial nature and the main website is the place for it.

The Natural Skeptic blog is the place for quality and balanced information affecting your health and blood pressure. I hope you enjoy it!