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If you have high blood pressure you may be eagerly following the news about statins, the new "wonder drugs" for lower blood pressure. A single drug to effectively normalize blood pressure is the holy grail of cardiac treatment. There have been many to appear on the market, all promising the world but none truly delivering. Beta-blockers were thought to be the answer to hypertension when introduced decades ago. In recent years they have been withdrawn for blood pressure treatment in many countries because of complications and disappointing effectiveness.

Statins are the latest drugs to offer high hopes for controlling high blood pressure. Statins were originally introduced to reduce cholesterol levels but it has been noted that they can also significantly lower high blood pressure. They were already in widespread use due to the common problem of elevated cholesterol but now the number of statins prescriptions is increasing further with doctors recommending them for hypertension.

statins can lower blood pressureBut are the risks worth it? The trouble is that the number of reports of dangerous and severe side effects from taking statins is also increasing. One of the well-known risks from statins is muscle pains and cramps. These can be so painful and severe that they can significantly impede your ability to live a normal life.

Liver problems are another complication that can be caused by statins. If you already suffer from any form of liver damage you’ll definitely have to steer clear of statins. As if these side effects were not enough, statin users also tend to suffer from another common side effect of high blood pressure medications: sexual dysfunction. The list goes on… memory loss, personality changes, irritability.

Everyone concerned with heart disease – doctors, researchers and those suffering from related conditions – have been excited about the potential of statins to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and to reduce the risk of heart disease in general. Sadly, the complications are beginning to stack up against their viability as a wonder drug.

Yes, statins can lower high blood pressure, but at what cost? Anyone who has experienced their side effects will say that it’s not. Quality of life is far too important to needlessly take statins. Perhaps they will continue to play a role in severe cases of hypertension when everything else has failed. But, luckily, high blood pressure responds extremely well to nature and the vast majority of those who suffer from it can find relief through safer methods.

Click here to learn more about safe and natural ways to lower blood pressure.